Neural Networks and its Implementation with MATLAB
To enrich the Faculty Members of IPEM as well as other institutes, Research Scholars & Students, a Two Days Workshop on
“Neural Network and Its Implementation with MATLAB” was
organized on 15th & 16th Sep 2017 on the premises of IPEM.
Resource Persons – Prof(Dr).M.P.Singh,(Department of Computer Science, B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra) & and Dr. Ganesh Dixit (BSA College, Mathura) were invited to conduct the workshop who have wide knowledge & research experience in the particular field.
The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Anupam Goel, Secretary IPEM; Col. (Dr.) A.S. Malhotra – Director-General, focused on the full attention of the Institute to organize workshops which will enable us to enrich our knowledge and expand our understanding.
Prof. Manu Pratap Singh started with the introduction of Neural networks, and its requirement & discussed various applications.
After lunch, he demonstrated the general perceptron model in MATLAB.
Glimpses of the Event