IPEM UG Campus

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An International Webinar on “Digital Resources and other OERs in Teaching Learning Process” was organized by the Center for Teacher Education, IPEM, Ghaziabad on 20th December 2022. The event commenced with the introductory address by Ms. Anubha Gaumat, Assistant Professor. The expert resource person was Dr. (VINAYE) KUMARDUTH GOODARY, Managing Director & Educational Consultant, CILKA (Centre for Innovative Learning & Knowledge Application), Mauritius & Former Associate Professor, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius.

The Objectives of this Webinar were:

  1. To enhance the knowledge of Students, Research Scholars, Faculty and Educationists in the area of Digital Resources and OERs used in the Teaching-Learning Process.
  2. To enlighten the knowledge of Students, Research Scholars, Faculty and Educationists about the way of using Digital Resources and OERs in the Teaching-Learning Process and to conduct research on using different Digital Resources/OERs.
  3. To provide recognition to Institute at Global Level among International Participants and Speakers.


The webinar fulfilled all its Objectives. The Speaker talked about Teaching Learning Challenges in the Digital Era, the Usage of Digital Learning Resources & OERs, and Models for Preparing DLRs & OERs and shared his experiences with the Production of Educational Videos & Digital Learning Content.  More than 500 participants from all over the globe like France, Argentina, Germany, Ethiopia, Nki, Botswana, Qatar, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Morocco,  Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Russia, Thailand, Maldives, Philippines, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Malaysia, Cameroon, Cambodia, Kurdistan region of Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria, Greece, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Canada, Palestine, China, Israel, Cuba, Georgia, Myanmar, México, Zambia, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Romania, Perú, Kazakhstan, and Ghana attended the International Webinar. Ms. Viditi Rastogi, Convener of International Webinar & Assistant Professor, Institute of Professional Excellence and Management, Ghaziabad thanked the expert for their valuable insights.

Youtube link to the webinar:





December 20, 2022
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Categories:
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YouTube and Zoom


Center for Teacher Education
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