IPEM UG Campus

Psychology Lab

Faculty In-charge – Dr. Shweta Tyagi

Objective – 

Centre for Teacher Education , IPEM, GZB are motivate to pupil teachers for trained in studying all aspects of Psychology like behavioural, developmental and cognitive processes, and also familiarized pupil teachers with various Test (Personality, Intelligence, Creativity, Aptitude & Attitude etc.) and equipments along with the process of predicting the result on the basis of findings. The Main objectives of Psychology Laboratory are:

  • To enable the B.Ed Students to understand way of conducting psychological experiments.
  • To give practical experiences in reference to different psychological concepts and principles.
  • To give real experience in referenceto conducting of various psychological tests in their class room& School situation in future.


Resources available in Lab:- 

List of Psychology Tests

1.Teacher Adjustment InventoryDr. S. K. MangalYesYes
2.General Classroom Achievement TestDr. A. K. SinghYesYes
3.Passi Test of Creativity(PTC)Dr. B. K. PassiYesYes
4.Teaching Aptitude Test Battery(TATB)Dr.R.P. Singh& Dr. S. N. SharmaYesYes
5.Sodhi’s Attitude ScaleDr. T.S. SodhiYesYes
6.Non- Verbal Test of Creativity(TCF)Dr. BaqurMehendiYesYes
7.Study Habit Inventory(SHI)Mr. M. Mukhopadhyay&Dr. D. N. SansalwalYesYes
8.Educational Interest Record(EIR)Dr. S. P. KulshresthaYesYes
9.Sinha Comprehensive Anxiety Test(SCAT)Dr. A.K. Singh & Dr. L.N.K. SinghYesYes
10.Rosha Ink Blot TestDr. Harman RorschachYesYes
11.Study of ValuesDr. R. K.Ojha&Dr. Mahesh BhargavYesYes
12.Scientific Attitude Test Battery(SATB)Dr.K.K. Agarwal &Dr.Saroj AgarwalYesYes
13.The Essay/ Paragraph Analysis Scale(EPAS)Dr. S.P. Malhotra &Dr.SuchetaKumariYesYes
14.Teacher Attitude Inventory(TAI)Dr. S.P. MalhotraYesYes
15.Divergent Product AbilitiesDr. K.N. SharmaYesYes
16.Introvert & Extrovert Inventory(IEI)Dr. P.F. Aziz & Dr. Rekha GuptaYesYes
17.Language Creativity TestDr. S.P. Malhotra &Ms.SuchetaKumariYesYes
18.Diagnostic Spelling TestDr. Raj K. Gupta & Ms. SheelaNarangYesYes
19.Reading Comprehensive Test (RCT)Dr. Pramila Ahuja &Dr. G.C. AhujaYesYes
20.Rapid Automatic NamingDr. Raj K. GuptaYesYes
21.Measurement of Level Of AspirationDr. Mahesh Bhargava & Late Dr. M.A. ShahYesYes
22.Self Concept Questionnaire(SCQ)Dr. Raj Kumar SaraswatYesYes
23.Multiple Interest Inventory(MII)Dr. S.K. BawaYesYes
24.KSESSSDr. S.K. KakkarYesYes


List of New Psychological Tests

25.David’s Battery of Differential AbilitiesPsy-Com Services, DelhiYesYes
26.Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality Series(Teenager)Psy-Com Services, DelhiYesYes
27.Career Preference Record (CPR)Vivek Bhargavaand Rajshree BhargavaYesYes
28.Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS)Sanjay VohraYesYes


List of Psychology Apparatus

S.NoName of The ToolManual
1.Cube Construction TestYes
2.Maze LearningYes
3.Attention BoardYes
4.Card Sorting Tray Apparatus for Habit InterferenceYes
5.Finger Dexterity Board Apparatus With PinYes
6.Tachistoscope Apparatus with CardsYes
7.Mirror Drawing Electrical ApparatusYes
8.Bhatia BatteryYes
9.McDougall disk for Division of AttentionYes



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