We strive to make a difference in undergraduate education and for this, we follow what’s right and not what’s easy. We work hard to inculcate a positive spirit in our students to transform a mistake into a marvel. We aspire for creativity and mindfulness and prompt our students to explore and experiment with the least followed paths. We want to nurture our undergraduate students with the spirit that will keep them going in the future without any setback.
IPEM is committed to producing competent professionals to cater to the needs of society by imparting skill based education through effective teaching-learning the process with the Mission as:-
M1: To cater State-of-the-art Infrastructure Facilities
M2: To apply latest Pedagogical Methods while delivering the Academic Programs
M3: To utilize the potential of highly qualified, experienced and committed Faculty
M4: To generate knowledge and promote academic growth by offering various value added programs
M5: To collaborate with academia, industry and society for long term interaction.
M6: To generate and disseminate knowledge through training programs/workshops/seminars/ conferences/ publications.
M7: To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that capable professionals emerge in a range of professions
M8: To strive for Professional Excellence with Ethical and Moral Values
A-13/1, South Side G.T. Road Industrial Area, NH-9 By Pass, Ghaziabad, U.P.-201010
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